What is Email Address
To be able to start looking for someone's address, you need to understand how email addresses are composed. In general, email addresses have two parts: your email name (also called user name or email ID) and your email domain, separated by an @: emailName@emailDomain.
Domains are unique identifiers for the organization that manages the email accounts. They are covered more extensively in Domain Names. Some examples are
whitehouse.gov - the United States White House
ibm.com - International Business Machines, Incorporated
aol.com - America On-Line internet access provider
arc.nasa.gov - the Ames Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Association
Our custom service email address is help@aboter.com. So, this email ID is help and aboter.com is its domain.
The @ symbol is pronounced "at" and all periods are pronounced "dot". Thus this email address is pronounced "help at aboter dot com".
Email domain are explicitly and always case insensitive. The address help@aboter.com is exactly equivalent to Help@Aboter.com.
Finding Email Addresses
Many people are disappointed that there is not a master list of all the email addresses in the world. There isn't one for much the same reason that there isn't a book that has the work telephone number for every person in the world. To make such a master email directory complete, every organization that provides email service for its members would have to submit all additions or removals to a master list. Not only would this be a headache for every email service, but some international body would have to be created to administer it.
Who would pay for maintaining the master list? Who would make sure that the master list wasn't abused? Many people would feel that such a list would be an inappropriate use of private information. They would go whatever lengths that they could to keep their email address out of the database. Therefore, you will have to resort to one of the following methods to find your correspondent's address.
Search the Web For Email Address
The most common way to look for someone's email address is to search for the key word on the Web with search engineer, or check the web pages directly to one site. For example, if you are looking for the email about travel industry, you can just search "travel contact" in Google or Bing, and the result will show the web pages related with these words. Most of the email address in these pages are what you want. The operation for it as the following chart.
Any other way for this is, that you may search the related web site directly, which was shown above.
Search and Organize Your Local Email Address
There may be many email addresses lie in your local computer, as the data format of txt, html, etc. How to search and archive them? With Abot Email Searcher, this work become simple. Just set the file or directory you want to find, and you will get what you want.
How to Get the Software
You may download this software at http://email.abot.co/ . The official page for it is http://email.abot.co/post/abot-email-searcher.html . Check the download icon or URL.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Abot Email Searcher 3.2.0 is Available, Update Now!
An email extractor, email finder, email harvester, email collector and email spider. It builds targeted email list at high speed. It allows you to extract email addresses matching your keywords from web pages, directories and search.
Abot Email Searcher
The Latest Version 3.2.0 Build 058
Manual for Abot Email Searcher
Abot Email Searcher is an email extractor, email finder, email harvester, email collector and email spider. It helps you to find and reach your target customers. Abot Email Searcher builds targeted email list at high speed. It allows you to extract email addresses matching your keywords from Internet web pages, directories and search engines. It can also collect emails from files and folders in your local computer. As an award-winning software for the Email Marketing, Abot Email Searcher supports multi-threading implementation and there is no limit for max threads pool. Any update packages will release at http://emal.abot.co/, so that to keep the software perfomance. Abot Email Searcher works at speeds of up to 20,000 targeted emails per hour. (depending on your connection speed and your targets).
Download it at
The manual for it here http://email.abot.co/post/manual-abot-email-searcher.html
[Version 3.0.2 2011-9-19]
1. Handle the tag of '#' in the URL string to avoid the error of geting the page content.
2. Show the file name while searching the local directory.
3. Set the local searching above.
[Version 3.0.0 2011-8-9]
1. Enhanced the local directory search, supporting all the files in the current and all the sub-directories.
2. Support more types of file, such as TXT, HTM, HTML, LOG, etc.
3. Extend the max size of single web page as 1M (1024K).
[Version 2.6.1 2011-7-15]
1. Try HTTP POST method to get the web pages after failing to get by HTTP GET.
[Version 2.6.0 2011-6-22]
1. Resolve the problem: When there are no drivers for network service, the software will get no product key.
2. Update the policy for matching URL links in the web page to suit with case sensitive requirement.
3. Add new policy for matching links to identify the links which contains the return key.
[Version 2.5.9 2011-5-8]
1. Fix the bug: Error message was shown when the computer in the wireless network.
[Version 2.5.8 2011-4-6]
1. Fix the problem that the software can’t identify then email address with upper case.
2. Decoding the stand HTTP URL to make it work well.
[Version 2.5.6 2011-3-15]
1. Support the GDI library for early version Windows OS, for example, Windows 2000.
Product's Homepage : http://email.abot.co/
Support Email : help@abot.co
Abot Email Searcher
The Latest Version 3.2.0 Build 058
Manual for Abot Email Searcher
Abot Email Searcher is an email extractor, email finder, email harvester, email collector and email spider. It helps you to find and reach your target customers. Abot Email Searcher builds targeted email list at high speed. It allows you to extract email addresses matching your keywords from Internet web pages, directories and search engines. It can also collect emails from files and folders in your local computer. As an award-winning software for the Email Marketing, Abot Email Searcher supports multi-threading implementation and there is no limit for max threads pool. Any update packages will release at http://emal.abot.co/, so that to keep the software perfomance. Abot Email Searcher works at speeds of up to 20,000 targeted emails per hour. (depending on your connection speed and your targets).
Download it at
The manual for it here http://email.abot.co/post/manual-abot-email-searcher.html
[Version 3.0.2 2011-9-19]
1. Handle the tag of '#' in the URL string to avoid the error of geting the page content.
2. Show the file name while searching the local directory.
3. Set the local searching above.
[Version 3.0.0 2011-8-9]
1. Enhanced the local directory search, supporting all the files in the current and all the sub-directories.
2. Support more types of file, such as TXT, HTM, HTML, LOG, etc.
3. Extend the max size of single web page as 1M (1024K).
[Version 2.6.1 2011-7-15]
1. Try HTTP POST method to get the web pages after failing to get by HTTP GET.
[Version 2.6.0 2011-6-22]
1. Resolve the problem: When there are no drivers for network service, the software will get no product key.
2. Update the policy for matching URL links in the web page to suit with case sensitive requirement.
3. Add new policy for matching links to identify the links which contains the return key.
[Version 2.5.9 2011-5-8]
1. Fix the bug: Error message was shown when the computer in the wireless network.
[Version 2.5.8 2011-4-6]
1. Fix the problem that the software can’t identify then email address with upper case.
2. Decoding the stand HTTP URL to make it work well.
[Version 2.5.6 2011-3-15]
1. Support the GDI library for early version Windows OS, for example, Windows 2000.
Product's Homepage : http://email.abot.co/
Support Email : help@abot.co